
This environment serves a dual purpose. You define here entry types which will be recognized by BibDB. Note that all entry types must be defined – there are NO defaults (the supplied configuration file defines all standard BibTEX types). Also, this environment must appear after the `` \fields'' environment. In this environment one can optionally define which fields are required or optional for each entry type. This information is used in the Entry Edit screen, when you choose the ``Required'' option. A total of 36 entry types may be defined (vanilla BibTEX uses 14 types). The format is the following:

first type{list of required fields}
second type{list of required fields}
last type{list of required fields}

The list of required fields may be empty, in which case the braces should be omitted. This list is composed of a series of field names, separated by commas or spaces. The order is unimportant. Use angle brackets to specify that certain fields are Optional. Thus:

misc{author, title, <year>, note, <keywords, abstract>}
means that, for the entry type `misc', the `author', `title' and `note' fields are Required, and the `year', `keywords' and `abstract' fields are Optional. The rest are automatically classified as Ignored. This classification can be viewed in the `Fields' menu of the Entry Edit screen.